Rather impressive historical building (over 750 years old) with black panelling and faded portraits, well-appointed, comfortable, bright, warm. Good modern room and bathroom. -- Varied breakfast, including proper German bread and plant-based milk. -- Central location at the edge of the Old Town and close to the River Rhine. -- Very friendly and efficient staff, genuinely helpful.
2024년 10월
The staff were very friendly and went out of their way to try and help you!
2024년 1월
Good location especially for Christmas market. Staff friendly and breakfast very good. Food was sufficient and always well stock All credit to the waitress who worked very hard to accommodate everyone needs. Good price for comfortable beds and needs.
2023년 12월
It is a nice friendly hotel right in the middle of Cologne. The location is probably the best asset of this place. The room was very simple but clean. The breakfast was rather basic but good anyway.
2024년 4월
An easy walk from the station and Cologne cathedral through the Aldstadt and all its squares, cafes, bars and ice cream shops. Near the Rhine and bridges. Breakfast was decent.
2024년 8월
Close to the centre and all the attractions, modern bathroom, great breakfast
2024년 12월
We liked the central location and breakfast. Staff was kind as well.
2024년 9월
The breakfast was delicious!!! I really like the black woman at the reception. She really helped me with everything and I really appreciated it!!!! I forgot her name!!! She is a really kind person and calm. She was always available to help in any questions i had!!! Thank you so much!!!! Room 19 with the baby
2024년 2월
The location is good as not far from the cathedral. The hotel is an old building with some nice decoration and wooden elements. The room was decent and included everything we needed. It is great to also have complimentary breakfast.
2024년 4월
Wonderful building resonant of history. Clean rooms great breakfast
2024년 5월